Horoscope, in astrology, a chart of the heavens, presentation the relative positions of the Sun, the Moon, the planets, and the dominant and midheaven cryptograms of the zodiac at an exact moment in time. A horoscope is used to deliver information about the current and to forecast measures to come. A separate horoscope typically plots the moment of birth and is used by astrologers to examine character, as well as—in combination with other astrological information—to forecast the future. This is in agreement with the confidence that each spiritual body has its own mythological character, adapted according to its regular relationship with the other celestial bodies at a given instant. Everything in the cosmos being unified, these bodies exert an effect, particularly on the newborn. In molding a horoscope, the heavens are usually represented by a circle divided into 12 connections, called dynasties. Each of these houses is allocated numerous departments of human life, such as wealth or marriage. The planet that falls within a specific house is said to affect matters relating to that house.
In Hindu astrology, birth charts are named kundalini which are demanded to be founded on the movement of stars and moon. Favorable events and rites are ongoing after checking the kundalini of a person including the kundalini in which the birth diagrams of the boy and girl are coordinated.
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